Fitness through Expressive Movement

Nia (officially, The Nia Technique) stands for ‘neuromuscular integrative action’, as well as ‘non-impact aerobics’ – but perhaps the best representation of the word is its Swahili translation, ‘with purpose’- because if Nia is about anything at all, it’s about giving purpose to movement. Nia is a mind-body-spirt fitness routine that incorporates a unique mixture of Dance Arts (Jazz, Modern, Duncan,) Martial Arts (Tai-chi, Aikido, Tae-kwan-do) and Healing Arts (Yoga, Feldenkrais, Alexander). Nia is designed to provide a whole body workout that promotes flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. Class begins with setting a focus and intent and moves into an easy warm up, gradually increasing the tempo to provide an aerobic workout and ends with a cool-down.



60 minutes


All Levels
James Williams


James Williams
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